I understand that the school, when it comes to reputation, is higher than many schools in the world. Realise that this does not mean the best education. Give the teachers more TIME. Now, if you haven't noticed most of what the students would call a good teacher spend extra time in their normal daily work. This includes working on holidays or working until late night. What you need to do is to give them less administrative work and let them focus on teaching. This school is obsessed with itself. At least be honest about it.
Realise that even if the subjects are seperate, they need to be interconnected. In real life, you never (unless you go to education) will use each of those subject seperately. While having seperate department is convenient, I think that the teachers should not be bound by it.
Social Service...I don't know. While I think it's good that a few people get forced to do so. However at times it is more trouble than its worth. But that's the student's problem not yours.
Assessments is another problem that I would like to discuss with you. You cannot simply sum up a person's progress with a number between 1 to 7. Even worse, an effort grade where there are THREE main grades for it. A, B, C. A being excellent, B is good, C is enough effort. I think teachers do realize that people treat C as a bad thing. Maybe we should change it to A*, A, B, C. In this case B is enough effort. C is automatically bad. This is highlighted by the fact that people get called to the office for a C grade. Also this current assesment is a joke, the teachers did not have enough time to properly create an accurate assesment. I understand that the teacher-parent evening needs to be introduced somehow, but can't you do it another way?
I know that this is too late, but what were you thinking when you introduced the multi-uniform policy? You are dividing the school. Blue shirt, white shirts, it shouldn't matter. Geez...
For more IB focused problems is, of course, the courseworks. As I have said the teachers need to talk to each other more. One reason why courseworks really stress us out is that many of them needs to be done at the same time. You know the feeling right? You're so happy you finished STS coursework, but then you have to do World Lit before the sun rises....
Anyway, that is all for now, because I wasn't joking about World Lit before the sun rises. I hope that you do not think that I am dissing the school. I enjoyed my stay here greatly. I just try to give constructive comments so the generations after me can enjoy this school more. This school have the potential to be better, but because of the fact this school have an amazing reputation, this school ignores that potential. I found this really disturbing and dangerous. Remember that this school is about education not business. It does not matter how many people is in the waiting list, but the happiness and education of the students that is in the school.