Human Nature
Because of the complexity of human nature, not many people like to place themselves in a position where they think about the nature of themselves. In fact only two kind of people explore human nature. One is the psychologist (who themselves are psychos) who looks at the more physical and scientific aspect of humans. The second is of course the philosophers, who do not like to be bound by the scientific laws of the universe.
This in itself says something about human nature. So number 1 of human nature is that we are social beings. There are no way someone will survive, or even function properly outside the social barrier. Our ethics and way of living will just break down as we deal with our bare necessities. The human nature and our so called great culture will just dissolve into nothingness. An example of this is the use of isolation as punishment. When you lock someone in a place with no external contact what so ever, they will go crazy after a few days in there (except for a few who has enough will power to go through the isolation just by being stubborn). We always seek attention of others, always hopeful that someone notice us. We put ourselves into certain groups (gamers, musician, uwcsea student) to make ourself feel secure that there are other people who are similar to ourselves. This in itself creates the problem of being united. If everyone is in a different group, then how can all of them be put into one group (which in this case is, well, being human). Number 1 of human nature: We are weak beings who clings to each other for support.
Number 2 of human nature, is Darwin's theory of evolution. To be more specific, survival of the fittest. A difference is that now, instead of just being biologically superior, we need to be socially and economically superior then our fellow brethren. Now, we put in Nietzsche idea of the 'Superman', the most superior person, who, by pure will power, manage to detach everything that will hold him/her back, and step on others to gain power. That kinda sums up Number 2 of human nature. We always want to be better from others. We get jealous of everyone who is better than us. For example I am currently jealous at Dozie and Nat, for getting high SAT scores without much effort, and is jealous of Han who have the will power to lock herself in her room every week and practice SAT's. I was extremely happy when I found out that I have beaten Khoi in a math test. Number 2 of human nature: We are selfish bastards.
That's all I'll put now. I'll probably continue the list later...